Thursday, March 29, 2012

If You Fail to Plan...

All day I had this quote running through my head when I was thinking about how I would tackle my blog and homework tonight.
First was homework and I am proud to announce... I completed it tonight! :)
Today I made a promise I would begin to use my planner every single day! I would start with writing down my exercises, food choices, and plans for my goals. In addition, I decided each week I would set a new challenge for myself!
Here it is… the PLANNER! J

Today was triceps and shoulders. I have been hitting a new gym location and I must say… I GET SO MUCH MORE DONE! The gym isn’t as nice, but it isn’t as busy. I am able to get in more exercises when I am at the gym. I did not write down my exercises today, but I will begin tomorrow on that. (the planner goal developed throughout the day)
My diet was clean today, but I know I could have gotten better sources of protein today. Practice makes perfect!
I am now writing for my blog which was one of my goals also from yesterday! Each week when writing my blog I would like to include at least a new recipe, new research and a new challenge to accomplish. These are just a few of the many things I wish to write about, but I want to make a point to include variety!
My challenge for myself this week was to inquire from those who inspire ME! I am proud to say I did just that. I emailed my favorite Kelsey Byers to INQUIRE ;)
Her message response came within a half-hour of sending it and it gave me butterflies to read it. To be honest… I was so surprised. I asked Kelsey questions about overcoming unsupportive people, tackling it all with school and having the confidence to move forward with my dreams.
The greatest gift Kelsey gave me from her response was in this…
"Think about what you'll be giving up if you
 don't explore all of your opportunities.”
There it was… the time is going to pass no matter what and I might as well take all opportunities I can get!
I drafted my “Fan Page” on Facebook that I can use to inspire. It needs some work, but will be up soon!
Challenge accepted…. And completed!
I’ll set next week’s challenge on Saturday!  

I am so excited to begin this journey, grow and inspire others.
It was such a great feeling to read the response from someone that I look up to. With time I want to be that person… the person who inspires and gives others butterflies, encouragement and smiles.
Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Missing In Action

I really have been missing in action.
I was set to really check in, write my thoughts and hold myself accountable to my blog every day.
I failed, but it isn't too late to start again. With school and work I found myself forgetting of my new goal, to write this blog.
I have created new goals for myself and most importantly on that list is to become inspirational to other people.
I have been following Kelsey Byers on Facebook. She is down to earth and so inspirational. When reading her posts I found myself dreaming bigger dreams for myself. My problem???... I never reach my goals or I only dream of things and self doubt sets in.
So, today... I found myself wondering, "How can I do this?"...
I want to be great, inspirational like Kelsey, and reach my dreams and goals.
I truly know the answer... write it down, set out to do it, and don't give up.
I think for this one I am going to utilize my planner and this blog to set my goals.
First goal, write more often... researching new and better things that will help me on my journey. I find myself lost in the inspiration, but not really learning anything new!
Second goal, bathing suit season... OF COURSE! Summer is just around the corner and I want to look great in a bathing suit. Perhaps I will reward myself with a new suit!!
Third goal, stick to my diet and work out plan so I am PROUD of myself and can set some new, challenging goals that help with my dreams.

I am only going to set three at a time in order to have a better grip on tracking my goals.
Here is the biggest challenge I have... Being embarrassed of my dreams and feeling as if people will not believe in me or take me seriously. This includes my blog, becoming a trainer, becoming a fitness model, or becoming anything remotely close to my favorite fitness models and athletes.
This is my biggest obstacle and perhaps the one thing that holds my back from accomplishing the rest of my goals and dreams.
This one I will need to ponder, but I will begin by writing down my goals and tracking my goals in my planner. Perhaps I will get the courage to ask one of these great fitness models if they had this same set back and how they overcame it.

Here we go... again!! :)
**After writing that I feel like NOW is the time to hold myself accountable**

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day #2... What have you done today to earn this?

This picture showed in my Facebook updates today from one of my favorites after my AM workout, before I headed off to work. I gave a lot of thought to this photo and the question it was asking.
What had I done already at 8:30AM to earn this... and my goals?
Well, I started at the gym at 5:30AM and I had eaten one clean meal for the day. Great start... then I hit work.
This question followed me around all day, especially when one of our vendors brought in St. Patrick's Day cookies. They were sugar cookies with sugary royal icing.
This question kept that cookie out of  my mouth. In order to get what I want I have to earn it.
We work hard for promotions at work, we work hard for good grades, why when it comes to a great body and reaching our goals so we slack?
I think we sometimes forget how we get to where we want to go when it comes to working out.
We need to earn it... earn it with a clean diet, by deciding to not eat the sugary, fattening foods put in front of us, and earn it by showing up at the gym and working HARD!
Like people say, "GO HARD OR GO HOME!"...
Are we really "going hard" or are we just going and should go home?  
Are we really doing things to earn our goals or are we just waiting for it to fall in our lap.

I have to say, this picture really motivated me to be on my best behavior today.
I saved it to my phone, but I think I will have it printed and utilize it's message daily.

What can you pass up each day to help you EARN your goals?
What are your goals... have you ever written them down... or put them in a place you see every single day? Questions I will ponder myself!

Day #2 is almost complete and I am excited to tackle day #3.
Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

First Blog... Fitness First

Hi All:
This is my first posting and I am very excited to tackle one of my many goals for this year.
The purpose of my blog is to inspire people to be their best. Also, I would like for others to learn with me as I go along.
I look up to many fitness models who have worked very hard to get where they are. With a clean diet, a lot of support and love, and a great work out routine they made themselves in to something great.
I aspire to be great and above all inspirational to everyone, especially females.
I look forward to making my blog better each day and posting empowering and inspiring blogs.

Here goes...
About four weeks ago I started the LiveFit Trainer ( by Jamie Eason! I am in phase 2 and look forward to big changes this next 8 weeks.
I decided on my Birthday (March 1st, 5 days ago) that this was my year for change. A cleaner diet, a dedicated work out routine, defined goals and a better attitude. I have always been considered "skinny", but never have I felt fit or "buff". It is time for change.
I aspire to be a personal trainer. This is one of my goals as well for the year. I want to learn all there is to being the best... and look the part too.
I have my own questions and as I research them one by one... I will post.
If you are reading this =) and have questions please send them to me... I want to only get better.

Thank you for reading!
Here we go...
Let's call this Day #1!
