Tuesday, March 6, 2012

First Blog... Fitness First

Hi All:
This is my first posting and I am very excited to tackle one of my many goals for this year.
The purpose of my blog is to inspire people to be their best. Also, I would like for others to learn with me as I go along.
I look up to many fitness models who have worked very hard to get where they are. With a clean diet, a lot of support and love, and a great work out routine they made themselves in to something great.
I aspire to be great and above all inspirational to everyone, especially females.
I look forward to making my blog better each day and posting empowering and inspiring blogs.

Here goes...
About four weeks ago I started the LiveFit Trainer (http://www.bodybuilding.com/) by Jamie Eason! I am in phase 2 and look forward to big changes this next 8 weeks.
I decided on my Birthday (March 1st, 5 days ago) that this was my year for change. A cleaner diet, a dedicated work out routine, defined goals and a better attitude. I have always been considered "skinny", but never have I felt fit or "buff". It is time for change.
I aspire to be a personal trainer. This is one of my goals as well for the year. I want to learn all there is to being the best... and look the part too.
I have my own questions and as I research them one by one... I will post.
If you are reading this =) and have questions please send them to me... I want to only get better.

Thank you for reading!
Here we go...
Let's call this Day #1!


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