Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Where's Your M

Where's your mind? No... Where is your motivation? Where does it come from? Is it a dream.. is it other people? Tell me... I would love to know where you all find your motivation.
Some people find motivation in setting a goal and accomplishing that goal. Setting a goal weight, a goal date, or even a goal of eating better.
Some people find motivation in quotes... funny sayings... or books to read. I do love to read motivating articles in my Oxygen Magazine. There are tons of motivation books out there.

My main motivation comes from others... strangers in fact. I love a great, motivating blogger or a motivating person on Twitter or Instagram. I am also motivated by my followers. If I set a goal with you all I feel obligated to accomplish it.

There are tons of people on Twitter that I find motivating, but what I have been loving lately is Instagram (@annar31). I think it is the continuous stream of photos that keep me motivated (thinking out loud). I follow people that post progress pictures, clean eats, fun fitness products, and even those that are preparing for competitions. I love it!

I usually check my phone in the morning in order to get myself out of bed. It really is motivating when someone on the East Coast has been up for two hours and has posted a picture of their workout they completed! =)

I have been thinking about competing for a very, very long time. I have never had the courage to start... mainly because I am afraid of what it entails. I am sure there is a fear of failure or no support, also.

While I am still thinking about that... What motivates you? Not even your fitness goals, but maybe what motivates you at work... school... or home. Where does your drive come from and your confidence to do things you wouldn't normally do come from?

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